Overwhelmed On top of it

Todoist makes it frictionless to get all your tasks out of your head and organized in one trusted place.

Capture tasks at the speed of thought

We’ve spent over a decade refining how people add tasks to Todoist. Our goal? To make a to-do list that feels like a natural extension of your mind.

“Todoist gives me the peace of mind knowing I am doing exactly what I need to do, exactly when I need to do it.”
Ashley W.

Ashley W.

Head of Leadership & Learning

In perfect sync across all your devices

With 10+ apps and add-ons, you’ll be able to review your upcoming tasks – and jot down new ones – no matter where you happen to be.

In perfect sync across all your devices

With 10+ apps and add-ons, you’ll be able to review your upcoming tasks – and jot down new ones – no matter where you happen to be.

Organize, prioritize, and get things done

Don’t let the minimalist design fool you – Todoist has all the tools you need to build any workflow.

“I can finally see an overview of all the areas of my life – broken down into actionable steps – in one single place.”
Maria R.

Maria R.

Quality System Manager

Focus on the right things at the right time

Infinitely flexible views show you just the tasks that are relevant right now. Leave the rest for later.

“Todoist helps me organize my time based on the most important things in my life. As a result, I am happier and more confident.”
Pedro V.

Pedro V.

Project Manager

Same project, flexible views

Switch between list, calendar, or board to easily plan and track even your most ambitious projects.

Collaboration made easy

Whether you’re sharing tasks with family or coworkers; Android fans or iOS evangelists; Mac or PC – Todoist is there to keep everyone in sync.

“At work, my team uses Todoist as a central productivity repository. At home, my family also shares everything with Todoist: Shopping lists, chores, etc.”
Ramón B.

Ramón B.

IT Consultant

A home for your team’s tasks, too

From tech start-ups to construction crews, over 50,000 teams use Todoist to simplify and organize work, together.

Learn more about Todoist for teamwork
“After using Todoist personally, I introduced it to my team for project management. We love that workspaces allow us to separate our business tasks and projects from our personal ones!”
Leon S.

Leon S.

Co-Founder of Market Eagle Agency

Kick off your teamwork with templates

Meeting AgendaWaste less time in meetings by making them efficient and action-oriented.
Project TrackerA central, organized place to keep track of every step in your team project.
Development PipelineKeep your development team on track with an agile Kanban workflow.
See all templates

You got it all done. Now see your progress!

Small steps every day add up to big achievements over time. Set daily and weekly goals, and visualize your productivity trends.

“Thanks to Todoist, my life feels like a string of successful days, full of progress and forward momentum.”
Ivan G.

Ivan G.

Web Development Engineer

App of the day

Best To-Do List App

Best Wear OS

Millions of people rely on Todoist for sanity and structure at work and home

350,000+ ★★★★★ reviews on Google Play and App Store

Profile picture of @evnsio


I literally don't know how I survived before I ran my life on @todoist. Not an exaggeration to say that it has revolutionised how I stay on top of multiple threads at work.”


“The ability to prioritize and assign dates has been awesome in two major ways. First, the underlying stress of not knowing if I'm missing something is way down. The second way this app has changed my life is professionally. I answer emails quickly and finish easy things I need to do for teammates first.”


“I absolutely love this app. I have ADHD, am a chronic procrastinator, and have always struggled with organizing my schoolwork. A calendar was too hard to keep track of, but this allows me to see everything that is due right in front of me and the order in which I should do them. Love it”

Profile picture of @not_julien


“I have used Todoist for more than 6 years, coming along with GTD. It's the perfect tool for me, allowing me to manage my shopping list and a 1M$ IT project.”

Profile picture of @saschafrommars


“[I use it for] both [work and personal]. To me the best thing is that it has a simple and consistent interface (iOS, macOS, web). I really only use organizing tasks (projects, subtasks, different views ...), reminders and recurring reminders. Other features don't get in your way.”


“I’ve introduced dozens of people to Todoist, easy learning curve with the inbox and integrations, and easy to go pro with custom filters and nesting. I look like a superstar at work remembering all my deliverables, but Todoist is my secret sauce.”

Day1 user

“Whether you use this as part of a team or just to wrangle your life, Todoist is a great solution that scales as you need it. I have been using it for 9 years and have checked out all the usual suspects. This remains my go to. Enjoy.”

Profile picture of @iammoinak


“I have started using @todoist for my day planning at work for just over a week now. Can’t stress enough on how much more I’ve been able to establish on a daily basis ever since I got started. What other tools does everyone use for day planning?”

There’s so much more to Todoist. Explore it all...

...or experience it yourself.