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Save My Leads

Turn Facebook leads into Todoist tasks.

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Save My Leads is a modern and easy-to-use service that will allow you to automate many routine actions. With this integration, you can automatically turn your Facebook leads into Todoist tasks, with all the necessary data added in the task description.

Every second, Save My Leads checks whether new leads have appeared on Facebook. When a potential customer has left a lead, a Todoist task is created containing all the information they’ve shared. That means you turn leads into deals more quickly, get rid of manual work, and save time.


  • Speed up your sales cycle by automatically turning new Facebook leads into Todoist tasks.

  • Assign leads to colleagues in Todoist and keep track of who’s reaching out.

  • Add additional information about each lead with task descriptions and comments.

  • Use labels to categorize leads in Todoist — like "waiting", "contacted", and more.

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